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Project supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (Grant No. RGP-VPP-311).
We employ ab-initio calculations to analyze the mechanical, electronic, optical and also thermoelectric properties associated with AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) compounds. The full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) technique in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBEsol) and the lately designed Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson exchange potential are utilized to examine the mechanical and optoelectronic properties respectively. To explore the thermoelectric quality, we use the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory. The particular structural stabilities regarding AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) materials are validated simply by computations from the elastic constants. The energy band structural framework and the density of states are displayed to indicate indirect bandgap under ambient conditions. The particular computed optical attributes that reveal prospective optoelectronic applications are usually elucidated simply by studying ε1(0) and also Eg, which can be connected by means of Penn’s design. The optical details uncover the actual suitability to power ranging products. Finally, the BoltzTraP code is executed to analyze the actual thermoelectric properties, which usually presents that the increase of internal temperatures can enhance the electric conductivity, thermal conductivity and also the power factor, whilst Seebeck coefficient decreases. Therefore, the studied materials will also be ideal for thermoelectric products to understand helpful option for alternative energy resources.
Since the essential multifunctional compounds, the perovskite-type oxide materials (ABO3) have been among the concentrates within material researches and geological science, because of their significant fascinating physical and chemical substance properties, such as superconductivities, surface properties, optical catalytic actions, uncommon permanent magnetic, pyroelectric, and ferroelectric properties.[1–5] Among such materials, the perovskites ABO3 (A = Mg, Ca, Sr, Cd; B=Sn, Si, Ge, Ti) manifest specific curiosities in which earth scientists are interested, and they are thought to be the most crucial components within the Earth’smantle and also have already been intensively analyzed.[6–10] Among these, the CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 materials have additionally drawn lots of interest because they are superbcrystal analogues of nutrient perovskite within the Earth’s mantle. Both mineral perovskites, using the perovskite framework (that is steady at pressures more than 6 GPa) tend to be GdFeO3-type perovskites.[11] With temperature increasing, CaTiO3 experiences change under ambient conditions from orthorhombic (Pbnm) construction to a tetragonal (I4/mcm) poly-morph at temperatures between 1373 K and 1423 K, accompanied by a variation of the cubic (Pm-3m) aristotype at 1523 K.[12] High-temperature x-ray powder diffraction experimentations by Liu et al.[13] proposed that CaGeO3 perovskite goes through the phase changeover from 520 K to some structures tentatively discovered as having (Cmcm) symmetry, even though using high-temperature Raman scattering the obtained results demonstrated absolutely no evidence of whether the phase changeover or even soft-mode behavior takes place at temperatures between room temperature and 923 K.[14]
Currently, CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 continue to be extensively investigated experimentally[15–19] and also theoretically.[20,21] Most of studies are related to phase transfers, for example, Andrault and Poirier[15] identified that the orthorhombic structure of CaGeO3 is converted into the tetragonal structure at approximately 12 GPa, through using the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Nonetheless, Lu and Hofmeister[16] suggested that the phase transition from the orthorhombic to the tetragonal phases does not happen until 24.4 GPa in the far-infrared experiment. Lately, Liu and Li[17] noticed that neither discontinuities nor even elasticity conditioning for the bulk or even shear modulus exists until pressure reaches as high as 10 GPa, indicated by the results measured through using the ultrasonic interferometer.
On the other hand, Grzechnik et al.[18] investigated the particular stability and dielectric attribute of SrGeO3 perovskite and also reported that this material is stable at above 6 GPa and 1273 K. The particular creation and phase transformation of SrGeO3 happen simply by solid-state effect of SrCO3 and GeO2 coming from amorphous compound formed by the simultaneous hydrolyses of Sr and Ge isopropoxides which were noted by Yamaguchi et al.[19] Fang and Ahuja[20] theoretically identified that the lattice distortion with the orthorhombic CaGeO3 improves with strain improving, indicated by the results from the projector-augmented wave (PAW) approach. Henriques et al.[21] studied the structural, electronic and also optical attributes by the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA).
In any case, to the best of our knowledge, there are no hypothetical references detailing the physical properties of the cubic CaGeO3 and SrGeO3. The investigations of the materials exhibiting simple (e.g., cubic) crystal structures, are desired by the scientific community as they offer a better understanding of the demonstrated physical properties, and it enables one to design electronic devices with optimal performance. As is well known, the applied pressure and the temperatures can induce novel crystalline phases. Similarly, novel material phases are possible to be stabilized by using non-equilibrium growth conditions in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Therefore, the primary goal of this paper is to theoretically explore the mechanical, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties associated with cubic CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 perovskite materials, since the theoretical research is very essential to applying all advantages of these properties to numerous practical applications. In addition, we examine the thermoelectric properties comprehensively, because the common minerals are accounted for to be an appropriate material for accomplishing high thermoelectric (TE) productivity.[22,23] The particular CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 might be missionary nutrients considered as a material pertaining to utilization in purposes of energy farming and also in the energy conversion process. Depending on this, the TE properties of the cubic CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 are studied through the use of Boltzmann transportation equation.[24]
The theoretical techniques and inexpensively obtainable computational methods have received much attention from the material researchers in order to calculate the exact material behavior, which in any other case is generally probable by high-priced experimental techniques. In this way, hypothetical strategies encourage material researchers to consider system layout architectures by computing the expected material properties before making use of experimentations. The current research entails density functional theory (DFT) dependent computations, through Wein2K code by using full potential-linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-LAPW + lo) method.[25] The studied structures are optimized by applying the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof approximation (PBEsol)[26] and the ground state constraints have been evaluated through the Murnaghan’s equations.[27] No doubt, the PBEsol gives better results than LDA, GGA, and PBE-GGA approximations but underestimates the band gap. Blaha et al.’s[25] modified potential defined by Becke and Johnson[27] is used to improve the electronic structures for accurate calculation of band gap. Consequently, we now use the lately developed modified Becke Johnson (mBJ) functional that is well known for figuring the energy band gap that is coherent with the experimental reports; the practically computed variables demonstrate the relevance to the existing research.
The outer region is regarded as being comprised of muffin-tin (MT) spheres, by which radial options are utilized, and the interstitial area is considered as the exact place where plane wave basis set is used. The particular core states are usually computed fully-relativistically and the valence states are computed scalar-relativistically. The MT radii of Ca, Sr, Ge as well as O are considered to be 2.53 a.u. (a.u. means atomic units), 2.14 a.u., 2.23 a.u., and 2.41 a.u, respectively. To obtain the ground state properties, we modify the first set of guidelines as RMT × Kmax = 8 exactly, where RMT is referred to as the Muffin-tin radius and Kmax is known as the maximal value of the plane wave cutoff in the reciprocal plane and the angular momentum vector is held at lmax = 10. To achieve the finest convergence, the group of k-points selected by means of script method and also k-mesh is generated for 1000 k-points on the order of 20 × 20 × 20. The Gaussian parameter is selected as Gmax = 12. The energy is focalized up to < 10−4 Ry. Finally, the structures enhanced by TB-mBJ are usually used to compute the thermoelectric properties of the studied materials through using the BoltzTrap code.
The relaxed constructions of AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) perovskites are usually optimized into cubic phase to be able to compute the ground state variables through the use of PBEsol estimations. The computed ground state energy is fitted directly into Murnaghan expression[28] for minimalvolume. The extracted estimations of lattice constant a(Å), modulus B (GPa) and its pressure derivative, and other quantities are given in Table
![]() | Table 1. Values of lattice parameter a (Å), Bulk modulus B (GPa), tndirect bandgap Eg (eV), elastic constant Cij (GPa), Kleinman parameter (ζ), anisotropy factor (A), shear modulus G (GPa), Young’s modulus E (GPa), Poisson’s ratio ν, B/G ratio, Debye temperature (ΘD), static ε1(0), n(0) and R(0) at equilibrium for CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 compounds calculated by using FP-LAPW-GGA (PBE). . |
Kleinman parameter (ζ) specifies bonding dynamics regarding material. The zero value contributes to bond folding and also corresponds to the bond stretching behavior. For that reason, each of our computations favors the particular bond stretching (see Table
Consequently, it may be observed from Table
The electronic properties of these compounds could be exposed through their band structures. From the band structures (demonstrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Plots of calculated electronic band structures of CaGeO3 (a) and SrGeO3 (b) by using the mBJ potential. |
The information about the electron density of states (DOS) is needed to comprehend and clarify the band structures, bonding character, dielectric function, etc. of a compound. To understand these kinds of properties, we now determine the total densities of states (TDOSs) associated with these compounds. The projected DOSs for CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 may also be computed, which can be utilized to scrutinize the orbitals of diverse states. The TDOSs and partial densities of states (PDOSs) of the studied materials are usually plotted in Fig.
As a way to elucidate this particular structures reviewed in the optical spectra, it is vital to straightly count transitions from occupied to unoccupied states, specifically with high symmetric points inside the Brillion zoon. The optical behavior of the physical arrangement within the sight of external electromagnetic radiations is described by the dielectric function ε(ω) = ε1(ω) + ε2(ω). The momentum matrix components are employed to ascertain the imaginary part, ε2(ω), by following the selection rules for the optical transitions between the occupied and unoccupied states. The real part ε1(ω) can be obtained from ε2(ω) by applying Kramer–Kronig expression.[45] This imaginary part of dielectric function is expressed by
The calculated optical parameters of AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) in an energy range of 20 eV are displayed in Figs.
We compute the value of ε2(ω) and plotted it in Fig.
The frequency dependent ε1(ω) is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Energy–optical parameters: (a) absorption coefficient, (b) optical conductivity, (c) reflectivity, and (d) optical loss factor for CaGeO3 and SrGeO3 by using the mBJ potential. |
The refraction and dielectric constant possess balance correspondence; mean refractive index n(ω) and extinction coefficients k(ω) may be the reproduction of the real and imaginary which are demonstrated in Figs.
The absorption coefficient α(ω) and extinction coefficients k(ω) are usually related by the expression α = 4πk/λ, which displays not only absorption coefficient α(ω), but also extinction coefficients k(ω) and holds the identical behavior for the wave length of light. The absorption begins from a critical value referred to as optical bandgap and increases to a most extreme value with peak intensity increasing because of diverse rate of transition as clarified previously. Furthermore, it is obvious in Fig.
The one additional imperative and essential parameter is the reflectivity that is revealed from the surface morphology of the compounds is shown in Fig.
Using DFT information and Boltzmann transportation theory (BTT),[24,25] the thermoelectric properties of these types of AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) are determined. The BOLTZTRAP code is utilized to implement these calculations. The thermoelectric properties are primarily identified with the curvature of bands.[26] The real estimation of bandgap does not have a substantial influence on the thermoelectric property, even though the band gaps of semiconductors are usually underestimated in DFT computations as a result of neglecting them any-electron interactions. The BTT can still be used to efficiently measure the thermo–electric properties. The growing requirement and less amount of available electricity production make the thermoelectric material a prospective contender for the sustainable energy appliances. Most of the obtainable energy is lost as heat energy during power production and depleting of appliances. This lost energy of this kind may be restored from the skillful thermoelectric appliances.
As outlined in this article, the particular thermoelectric attributes associated with AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) perovskites can be tackled when the electric conductivity (σ/τ), thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, power factor and as well as thermoelectric effectiveness are obtained. The measured plot of electric conductivity (σ/τ) for AGeO3 at temperatures in a range from 0 K to 800 K is displayed with Fig.
Thermal conductivities ((κ/τ) (W⋅m−1⋅K−1⋅s−1)) computed for the studied materials are demonstrated in Fig.
The power factor possesses a significant usage in estimating the overall functionality of the thermoelectric supply.[47] The power is specifically relevant to this electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient and contains inverse relationship with the thermal conductivity. The determined values associated with power function versus temperature are demonstrated in Fig.
The mechanical, optical, and thermoelectric behaviors of the AGeO3 (A = Ca, Sr) perovskite materials are investigated systematically in this paper. The bulk moduli decrease despite the fact that lattice parameter is raised from CaGeO3 to SrGeO3. Through elastic constants, it is discovered that the analyzed compounds possess ductile characters. Furthermore, the computations of band structures and the density of states of these studied compounds demonstrate the indirect bandgap (Γ–M) characters and the decrease in band gap from CaGeO3 to SrGeO3 in the visible range of electromagnetic spectrum. The zero frequency limits of ε1(ω), n(ω), and R(ω) differ from the results obtained using the bandgaps associated with each studied material. In addition, the absorption is optimal in the region exactly where polarization is minimal. Moreover, the absorption coefficient and optical conductivity reach highest values in the ultraviolet region through which reflectivity and energy loss functions are lowest. The electric conductivity and Seebeck coefficient integrate in a way that the power factor is improved as the growing pattern associated with thermal conductivity is quite gradual. Consequently, thermal efficiencies in the analyzed materials are definitely higher. In addition to this, the assessments of the studied materials show that CaGeO3 is a more effective compound for thermoelectric applications than SrGeO3.
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